This object represents a payment associated with a receipt.
Attribute | Description | Type | Required |
billingAddress | Billing address associated with the payment | SBBillingAddress | No |
shippingAddress | Shipping address associated with the payment | SBBillingAddress | No |
type | Type of payment | SBReceiptPaymentType | Yes |
statementDescriptor | Statement descriptor | string | No |
card | Information for a card payment | SBReceiptPaymentCard | No |
cash | Information for a cash payment | SBReceiptPaymentCash | No |
balanceTransaction | Information for a credit payment | SBReceiptPaymentBalance | No |
bankAccount | Information for a bank payment | SBReceiptPaymentBankAccount | No |
external | Information for an external payment | SBReceiptPaymentExternal | No |
note | Note about the payment | string | No |
amount | Amount of the payment | SBMoney | Yes |
tip | Tip amount | SBMoney | No |
applicationFee | Application fee associated with the payment | SBMoney | No |
processingFee | Processing fee associated with the payment | SBMoney | No |
total | Total amount of the payment | SBMoney | Yes |
approved | Approved amount of the payment | SBMoney | No |
refunded | Refunded amount of the payment | SBMoney | No |
status | Status of the payment | SBReceiptPaymentStatus | Yes |
receiptNumber | Unique identifier for the receipt | string | No |
receiptUrl | URL of the receipt | string | No |
riskEvaluation | Risk evaluation associated with the payment | SBReceiptPaymentRiskEvaluation | No |
refunds | List of refunds associated with the payment | SBReceiptPaymentRefund[] | No |