Cet objet représente un reçu dans votre entreprise. Utilisez-le pour gérer les reçus émis par Smartbills.
Property Name | Description | Type | Required |
id | Unique identifier of the receipt. | long | Yes |
merchant | Merchant details, including name, contact, and address. | SBMerchant | Yes |
location | Location details for the merchant, including name, address, and contact information. | SBLocation | No |
items | List of purchased items, including product, price, and discounts. | List<SBReceiptLineItem> | Yes |
totalItems | Total cost of all items in the receipt. | SBMoney | Yes |
totalPayments | Total payments made for the receipt. | SBMoney | Yes |
totalDiscounts | Total discounts applied to the receipt. | SBMoney | No |
totalDuties | Total duties applied to the receipt. | SBMoney | No |
totalShipping | Total shipping cost for the receipt. | SBMoney | No |
totalTip | Total tips included in the receipt. | SBMoney | No |
totalFees | Total fees included in the receipt. | SBMoney | No |
subTotal | Subtotal amount before taxes and discounts. | SBMoney | Yes |
totalTaxes | Total taxes applied to the receipt. | SBMoney | Yes |
total | Total amount of the receipt, including all fees, taxes, and discounts. | SBMoney | Yes |
payments | List of payments made for the receipt. | List<SBReceiptPayment> | Yes |
taxes | List of taxes applied to the receipt. | List<SBReceiptTax> | No |
receiptId | Unique identifier of the receipt in string format. | string | Yes |
type | Type of receipt (e.g., "OFFICIAL"). | string | Yes |
attachments | List of associated documents. | List<SBAttachment> | No |
bankTransaction | Associated bank transaction details. | SBBankTransaction | No |
date | Date of the receipt creation. | DateTime | Yes |
cancelledAt | Date the receipt was cancelled. | DateTime? | No |
dueDate | Due date for the payment. | DateTime? | No |
closedAt | Date the receipt was closed. | DateTime? | No |
createdAt | Date the receipt was created. | DateTime | Yes |
url | URL to the receipt or its details. | string | No |