
Here's the translation in English:


This object represents a merchant. A merchant is a business that sells products to consumers.

logoURL of the merchant's logostringNo
isActiveIndicates if the merchant is activeboolNo
nameName of the merchantstringRequired
descriptionDescription of the merchantstringNo
addressAddress of the merchantSBAddressRequired
phoneNumberPhone number of the merchantstringNo
localeLanguage of the merchantstringNo
currencyCurrency usedstringRequired
facebookUrlURL of the merchant's Facebook pagestringNo
twitterUsernameTwitter username of the merchantstringNo
instagramUsernameInstagram username of the merchantstringNo
merchantCategoryCodeMerchant category codestringNo
timezoneTimezone of the merchantstringRequired
imagesList of images associated with the merchantList<Image>No
createdAtCreation date of the merchantDateTimeOffsetRequired
updatedAtUpdate date of the merchantDateTimeOffset?No

If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask!